Asian Society of Disaster Management Professionals

Humans have made a lot of progress, particularly in last two-three centuries. Our population has increased from barely 1.0 billion in around 1800 to 7.5 billion in 2017 while at the same, by conservative estimates, our per capita consumption of goods and services has also risen by the same factor. It has been possible thanks to fertile human mind, notwithstanding internecine subjugation and tortures, which after a lull are on rise. The solutions provided by this fertile mind are not eternal. They also created their own problems. We did not listen to sane advices rendered by philosophers.  The result there has been increase in disaster risks. Our so-called developmental activities contributed to climate change in no small measure. However, human society has woken up to review the issues of its own making. It is no small success that we have started reviewing our development principles, not only activities, from larger, bigger, inter-generational perspective.

With this in view, we have decided to create a broad platform for disaster management professionals to help them break the silos in which we somehow get trapped with all good intentions.  This society which we have named Asian Society of Disaster Management Professionals (AS-DMP), proposes to have the following Vision, Mission and Objectives statements.

To provide an ace/apex inter-disciplinary forum for disaster management professionals, particularly those from Asia, for collaborative research with a view to impregnate development/human activities for disaster reduction as well as for damage reduction if disasters were to strike.

To elicit cooperation from scholars belonging to different social science and natural science disciplines, non-government organizations and community leaders interested in disaster management, and administration and defence personnel involved or interested in preventing losses from disasters.

To reach, within a short period, a level where the expertise of the forum is recognized in India and abroad so that it makes fruitful interventions in development practices to reduce disaster risks and slow down climate changes.

To organize an annual conference to make available a platform for fellow workers, both researchers and field activists, to learn from each other’s work and experience.
To organize seminars, and forms of interactive sessions for creating awareness, imparting education, and disseminating researches.
To organize specialized training programmes for different stakeholders associated with disaster management at different levels.
To collaborate with educational institutions at various levels to create awareness about disaster, disaster preparedness, and disaster management and their expected role in disaster situations.
To publish a journal with desired frequency with a view to provide a forum for researchers and disseminate research to fellow workers.
To make possible collaborations, across disciplines, between institutions and governments, practitioners and theoreticians, community leaders and administration at different levels, national and international forums.

Interested in reduction in risk of disasters through sustainable development and management of disasters in unfortunate incidents, we, the enlightened participants of this hereby resolve to found Asian Society of Disaster Management Professionals on this historic day of 4th July in 2017 in this historic city of Agra.